miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

readding exercisses 2nd

Unit 3 “healthy life”.
·         The students may show comprehension about the reading and get the main ideas about the informative text.
·         They can develop writing too in pre-reading.

·         Walk around the class and talk with the students about lifespan(periodo de vida).
·         What do you want to do? Complete this table and share it. with your partner(s). Change partners and share what you wrote. Change and share again.

What you want to do





The world

what do you want to know? Rank the sentences and share your rankings with your partner. Put the one you most want to know at the top. Change partners and share your rankings again.

………when you’ll die.
………where you’ll be in XX years.
………how much money you’ll have.
………who will be in power.
………what you’ll look like when you’re older.
………how good your English will be.
………what the world will be like in 2100.
………what kind of technology will exist.

Reading: read the text.
Blood test predicts when you will die

Would you like to know when you will die? It’s a scary question for many, but one which could be answered using a new blood test. Spanish scientists have invented such a test that they say will estimate how much longer you will live. The $700 test measures the length of telomeres in
our DNA. Telomeres control how often our cells divide to make new ones and are thus responsible for aging. They limit the length of our lifespan.

The company behind the project, Life Length, says the test will give people an idea of the speed at which they are ageing and a prediction of when the end might come. Critics have been quick to attack the test. They say it is unethical, unreliable, and could lead to insurance firms
demanding people take the test before issuing policies. Researchers say the test could lead to breakthroughs in age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer's and heart disease. Professor Jerry Shay, a consultant for Life Length, admitted people are right to be wary of the new test. He said: "People might say, 'If I know I'm going to die in 10 years, I'll spend all my money now', or 'If I'm going to live for 40 years,

 I'll be more conservative in my lifestyle'. He added: "The worrying thing is that if this information ever got to a point where it is believable, insurance companies would start requiring it in terms of insuring people.” Maria Blasco, inventor of the test, believes it is important, saying: "It will be useful for you to know your biological age. Maybe you would change
your lifestyle habits if you find you have short telomeres."
While reading: put the word into the gaps in the text.

Would you like to know when you’ll die? It’s a (1) ____________question for many, but one which could be (2) ____________ using a new blood test. Spanish scientists have invented such a test that they say will (3) ____________ how much longer you will live. The $700 test measures the length of telomeres in our DNA. Telomeres control how often our cells divide to make new ones and are thus (4) ____________ for aging. They limit the length of our (5) ____________. The company behind the project, Life Length, says the test will give people an idea of the speed at which they are ageing and a (6) ____________ of when the end might come. Critics have been quick to attack the test. They say it is unethical, (7) ____________, and could lead to insurance firms demanding people take the test before (8) ____________ policies. Researchers say the test could (9) ____________ to breakthroughs in age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer's and heart disease. Professor Jerry Shay, a consultant for Life Length,(10) ____________ people are right to be (11) ____________ of the new test. He said: "People might say, 'If I know I'm going to die in 10 years, I'll spend all my money now', or 'If I'm going to live for 40 years, I'll be more conservative in my lifestyle'. He added: "The (12) ____________ thing is that if this information ever got to a point where it is (13) ____________, insurance companies would start requiring it in terms of insuring people.” Maria Blasco, (14) ____________ of the test, believes it is important, saying: "It will be useful for you to know your (15)____________ age. Maybe you would change your lifestyle (16)____________ if you find you have short telomeres."

*      Lifespan / estimateissuing / prediction / scary / responsable / unreliable / answered

Post-reading: Write five GOOD questions about lifespan in the table. Do this in pairs. Each
student must write the questions on his / her own paper. Then we make a mini-presentations to other groups.






Post-reading:Lifespan discussion” work in pairs and make this questions each others

STUDENT A QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
a) What did you think when you read the headline?
b) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘longevity’?
c) Would you like to know when you will die?
d) Do you have a scary question that you would hate to answer?
e) Do you think it’s OK to make this test available to the public?
f) Is $700 a reasonable price for this kind of test?
g) How reliable do you think this test is?
h) Would you take this test if it was free?
i) What can we do to live longer?
j) Do you think insurance companies would take advantage of this test?

 STUDENT B QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

a) Did you like reading this article?
b) Is this test OK if it leads to other medical breakthroughs?
c) What would you do differently now if you knew you would live to be 120?
d) What would you do differently now if you knew you would die sooner than expected?
e) How long do you want to live?
f) Would you take drugs that ensured you lived twice as long?
g) What’s the difference between your real age and your biological age?
h) Would you change your lifestyle habits if you discovered you had short telomeres?
i) Do you live life for today and not worry about tomorrow?
j) What questions would you like to ask Dr Maria Blasco?

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