miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

readdding exercisses1st.

First activity.
Unit 3, we are, what we eat.
Objective: show comprehension about the reading the students get the main ideas about the informative text. They can identify relative pronouns: which, that, who, when, where.
Pre reading: the teacher will show some pictures about sports, fruit, vegetables, etc. then the teacher will ask the students: ¿do you know any tip to carry out a healthy life?
Reading: read the text in the coursebook, “how to grow healthy”; it talks about seven tips to grow healthy.
While reading: read the text again, and give each tip a tittle, the teacher provide them a list of heading for each tip. They have to choose one per each.
*      Get moving!
*      Balance your food choices.
*      Snack smart.
*      Foods aren’t good or bad.
*      Start your day with breakfast.
*      Get fit with your friends or family.
*      Work up a sweat.
Post reading: connect the pictures showed in the pre-reading with each tip.
Post reading: answer the following questions:
a)      Why is important to eat breakfast?
b)      What kind of nutrients does your body need?

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